Displaying Images Using A Custom Non-Media Field In WordPress

If you are using a custom field to enter the URL of an image whether it is located on your server or externally, and it is not added as a media attachment, you can display the image using the following code.

For example, if your custom field is a simple text field where you add the URL of an image (“https://mydomain.com/images/my-image.jpg”) rather than upload it via the media uploader, you would call the value using get_post_meta.

get_the_ID is used to get the post ID.   Change this if your wp_query uses $post_id or another variable to call the post ID.

Change my_custom_photo to the slug of your custom photo field.

$photo = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'my_custom_photo', true );

//  If the image was bulk uploaded using media uploader AND was resized to your image specifications,
//  uncomment the next line to add the following code to modify according to new size
//  $photo = str_replace(".jpg", "-320x320.jpg", $photo);

echo '<img src="' . $photo . '" alt="' . get_the_title() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '" />';


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